Hall of Fame

Illinois Water Polo is committed to honoring all of our supporters past and present. Hall of Fame inductees are recognized at the Annual All-State banquet.  Guidelines for nomination are outline on the following document: Hall of Fame Guidelines.

If you wish to nominate an individual for our Hall of Fame committee to consider, please email Jeff Wimer, head of the Hall of Fame committee by clicking the following link: Hall of Fame Nomination

A complete list of all Hall of Fame Members is listed below.


Year Members
1986 Paul Akers, Andrew Barry, Ralph Budelman, Russell Curry, Harold Dash, Ralph Erickson, Al Gambel, Werner Gerhard, Donald Good, Sam Greller, Bob Groseth, Andy Haberman, Ken Hahn, H. Jamison Handy, George Iverson, Art Koblish, Sam Kooistra, Bill Kooistra, Sheldon “Fats” Lake, Jim Lock, Francis McDermott, Michael McDermott, Perry McGillivary, John J. Miller, Jim Mulcrone, Richard Norman, Larry O’Connell, Joseph A. Pecoraro, Gary Radville, Phil Stelnicki, Verne Tittle, Art Van Aman, Bill Walztoni, Hal White
1987 George Kastner, Linda Kerner, Tom Nystrom, Albert Paterson, James Radcliffe, Bruce Wimer
1988 Ann Gonia-Kersting, Mike Martin, Dave Musich, Mary M. O’Connor
1989 Tom Barry, Jim Runkle
1990 Dan O’Brien, Keen Wollin, Brother Lindemen
1991 Mike Shanahan, Mike Vlamis, Frank Connors, William H. Thompson
1992 Mark Menis, Al Snyder, Joe Mansfield, Bruce O’Brien, Leslie Varkony
1993 Fred Springer, Wee Barry, Ronald Scotty MacLagan
1994 J.W. “Red” McCracken
1995 Herb Klein
1996 Bob Danner, Art Fischer
1997 Kelli Billish-Fitter
1998 John Weber, Rick Marsh, Patrick Barry
1999 Erika Billish-McCormick, Laura Coffman
2000 Jeff Wimer, Joe Wendt
2001 Dan O’Connell, Jim Caliendo
2002 Frank Mulcrone, Shelia Mulcrone-Carpenter, Dave Perry
2003 Tom Allen, Brian Pendergast, Perry Korbakis
2004 Keith Yavitt
2005 Jack Wagner
2006 Sally Stelnicki
2007 Joe Billish, Marty Gibson, Brian Kelly
2008 Harry Herbner, Mike Gruszeczki
2009 Vanessa Wasik, John Huiezuga
2010 Beth Novick, Tom Musch
2011 Joe Jekot, Brigitte Kusevskis
2012 Chad Castro, Lynn Castro
2013 Steven Borowski, George Horn, Andy McWhirter, Isaac Marshall
2014 Michael J. (Mick) Barry, Patrick Bauer
2015 Tim Caldwell, Thomas Tomsheck
2016 Eric Fischer
2017 Jane Caliendo, Drew Schneider, Ron Koehler
2018 John B. Murphy, Jeff Plackett, Ray Zeason
2019 Maura Billish Tiernan, Steve Vongluekiat

Hall of Fame list as a PDF: Hall of Fame Updated 2016