Each year Illinois Water Polo is proud to honor it’s athletes, coaches and officials at the annual All-State Awards Banquet.
This is a fantastic opportunity for all of the water polo community in Illinois to come together and recognized the dedication and excellence of so many people.
The 2020 All State Banquet will be on Wednesday, June 3rd at the Diplomat West (681 W North Ave, Elmhurst, IL 60126).
Illinois Water Polo is happy to announce that Matt Farmer (Fenwick HS ’13 / UCLA ’17) will be participating on a zoom meeting open to all interested Illinois Water Polo Fans 3:00pm Central Time on Monday, June 29. Matt was the Illinois Player of the Year in 2013 and won three IHSA State Championships with Fenwick. Following Fenwick, Matt attended UCLA and won three NCAA Championships. Upon graduating from UCLA, Matt has continued to play water polo at the highest level in Australia, Italy, and Spain. Currently, he is a member of the USA Men’s Senior National Team and is training for the Toyko Olympics. Matt will speak briefly about his water polo experience over the years as well as answer any questions that the audience may have.
Hope to see you there!
Time – 3:00pm Central Time on Monday, June 29
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 816 3669 5560
Password: 994155
One tap mobile
Dial by your location
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Meeting is on Monday at 7:30 PM via Zoom.
Anyone interested in helping grow water polo in Illinois is encouraged to attend.
An email link will be sent out. If you are interested in participating in this meeting, please email Kyle Perry at kperry@fenwickfriars.com or Elizabeth Timmons at etimmons@fenwickfriars.com.